8 Self-Imposed Questions For A More Effective Bible Study
I love reading my Bible!
But as we all have experienced, sometimes it’s hard to understand, sometimes it’s hard to find the time, and sometimes (shhh) it’s just boring. However, if you are looking for a more effective way to study, I have listed several Bible study questions to ask yourself when reading the bible.
There is also a Free Printable!
8 Bible Study Questions for an effective Bible Study PDF

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What Is Your Bible Reading Plan Now?
Are you getting ready to start a new Bible reading plan? Is it a New Year’s resolution? The beginning of a new month? Or are you simply getting tired of playing catch up as you attempt, yet again, to read through the Bible in one year? Do you think there’s something out there that will make Bible study simpler or more fun?
As I said before, Bible study can be enjoyable. It can also be tedious, boring, and even cumbersome at times. Bible study, to some people, is just another “to-do” item on a daily list that needs to be checked off. But is that what God had in mind when He wrote the Bible for us 21st Century Christians? If you are struggling in your Bible reading time, maybe there is a better way.
Bible Study Can Be More Than Reading a Passage
Are you a reader? If you are, I can imagine you are like many readers who find time and opportunity to sneak away to some quiet corner of the house to engulf yourself in a fictional world to be discovered in your favorite genre. Or maybe you are a history buff or science geek who thrills in the overload of information in the volumes of books you consume.
Reading is enjoyable for most of us. But even if you don’t crave the next series in a popular novel, learning is fun when we learn about something we enjoy.
Options to Implementing an Effective Bible Study
As diverse as the stories are in the Bible, you are sure to find something in those pages that excite you, encourages you, or makes you stop and think for a moment. If you find it challenging to sit down and read through the Bible, there are other options you may enjoy more. When we think about Bible study, we naturally think about reading, but we can also study the Scriptures by:
- Hearing the Word on podcasts, radio, YouTube, etc.
- Meditating on smaller passages of the Bible
- Sharing a Bible study with a friend or group of friends
- Memorizing key verses that you are drawn to
- Attending a church service
- Engaging in a Sunday school class
These options can enhance Bible study time. So, which option is best for you? It’s the option you will engage in!
Bible Study Questions for a More Effective Study
Whether you listen to sermons, meditate on Scripture, memorize key verses, or attend classes or groups, when you are studying the Bible, you may find it beneficial to take a moment in your study time and ask yourself some questions like Who’s talking? Who are they talking to? What are they talking about? And how does it apply to my life?
Everything written in the Bible benefits us Christians in the 21st century, but everything doesn’t apply to us; the Levitical Laws were written for the Jewish nation, and some were only applicable for a specific time. But they do benefit us for historical reasons.
However, principles set up during the same period of time apply to Christians today. We cannot dismiss the things we disagree with because they were written thousands of years ago and are not popular in our society today.
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16

So, when you’re reading the Bible (or listening, or meditating, or memorizing), pray with a heart that desires to learn more about Christian living. And ask some of the questions below.
1. Who is the author of the book?
Let’s be perfectly clear; God is the author of the Bible. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Holy men of God wrote each jot and tittle of the original Scriptures.
For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:21

However, godly men did select the writings we know as the Bible, and they divided them into books, chapters, and verses for a clearer understanding. Each book has an introduction that tells who the author is. Take a moment and look at that before you start your Bible reading. You will be surprised how it helps your understanding.
2. Who is the audience?
Each book of the Bible is directed to someone or somebody. For example, Genesis is a historical account recorded for all people.
But books like 1st and 2nd Timothy were written to Timothy himself, as Paul encouraged him to be a good preacher. However, this book is not limited to preachers. The teachings Paul offers and the qualities he encourages in Timothy apply to all Christians.
3. What does the passage say about God?
God is the author of the Bible.
Each story in the Bible tells us something about God’s character. And the whole Bible—from the beginning to the end—tells us the story of Christ’s coming. Also, we see throughout the pages of the Old and the New Testament the work of the Holy Spirit. So, when you are studying the Bible, ask yourself what the passage is saying about God.
4. What does the passage say about society in general?
Some say the Bible is God’s love letter to us. I like to look at it as a BIG treasure map. (I’ve always wanted to be a pirate)
Inside this treasure map is buried secrets of the universe.
- It tells us how time began
- We find out that the world is round and that the earth revolves around the sun
- There are stories of dragons, dinosaurs, and unicorns
- The revealed secrets of healing herbs, saving grace, and eternal life are hidden in the pages
- There are directions on how to live a successful life, gain riches, and inherit the earth
- And there are future prophesy that we are waiting to see come true
Don’t believe me? You’ll have to study the Book to find out. 🙂
5. Is there a principle to be learned?
The Christian life is all about holy living.
Throughout the Bible, there are key principles—ways we should behave—distinguishing us from the unsaved. We are different because we have the Spirit of the living God directing our steps!
Look for ways to live a Christ-centered life personally and professionally.
But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct. 1 Peter 1:15

6. Is there a promise to be claimed?
Now, this is the really fun part!
As you listen to the message or study a passage, look for the promises in God’s Word. I haven’t counted them, but I’ve read that there are over 7,000 promises in the Bible! Can you imagine that? Wouldn’t it be fun to start a list and see how many we run across in our daily study?
Not all those promises are for you and me, but many of them are. Psalms is a great place to load up on the promises of God and see how greatly He desires to bless us.
By which He has granted to us His precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire. 2 Peter 1:4

7. Is there a command to be obeyed?
Of course, it can’t all be fun and games. Some rules and regulations must be followed, too. But the great thing about God’s commands is that He has given them to us for our good and His glory. God didn’t sit down and think about ways to make us obey Him to see us submit to His power. He desires obedience through our desire to serve Him. As you study the Word, look for clues to what God is asking us to do for Him, for us, and others.
And He [Jesus] said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37

8. Is there a sin to be Avoided?
Look for examples. The Bible is full of people who did not heed God’s call to righteousness. But we don’t have to be like them. When God says, something is a sin, stay away from it. You could start with the 10 Commandments, but there are a lot of other sins that we are to stay away from. As you study, ask yourself, “Is this a sin?”
8 Self-Imposed Questions For A More Effective Bible Study

Devotionals are another way to have an effective Bible study. Devotionals are small books that usually give you a page or two to read each day. Some devotionals are long, but most of them are smaller books that you read daily for two weeks or a month. I’ve written a 31-Day devotional, “Comfort Beside Still Water”, which is for people who are living with anxiety, grief, or struggling with life in the day-to-day.
You can purchase “Comfort Beside Still Waters” from Amazon. Click the button below.
Or if you would like to have a 7-day trial of this book, fill in the form below to get seven devotions over the next seven days from my book.
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Cindra I love this. It makes me think outside the box.
The idea of talking about different ways of getting God‘s word in our heart & mind. The end result of getting closer to God and having a richer relationship with him. You are such a blessing?? God bless you and your family??.
I’m so blessed to have your book “comfort beside still waters” and looking forward to reading this and work through it and I have no doubt that I’ll be blessed in so many ways.