Alone With God
In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength. —Isaiah 30:15
During Jesus’ ministry on earth, He would often find time to be alone with the Father. When the hour of His crucifixion approached, He went to a quiet place in the Garden of Gethsemane to be alone with God. Jesus was overwhelmed by what was about to happen. But time with the Father gave Him the strength He needed to persevere. He accepted the plans the Father had for Him and bravely completed the task.
Do you have times when you are afraid? Do you, at times, question the things that are happening to you? God has all things under His control, He knows your past, and He knows your future. You may find life uncomfortable on this side of Heaven, but it will not be that way forever, and God has a plan for you, too.
Try to quiet your mind and calm your worries by finding a quiet place to be alone with the heavenly Father.
Passages to Ponder
•Matthew 14:23
•Mark 1:35, 14:32-42
•Luke 4:42, 5:15, 6:12, 9:28
In the Bible, look up Psalm 23. Read it aloud, and then write it out on a piece of paper. Or send it off in a message to a friend.

The post above is an excerpt from my 31-day devotional, Comfort Beside Still Waters, which is available on Amazon. It was written to be an encouragement for those who are struggling with the pain of disease, death, or depression. However, God’s Word is applicable to all our situations.
If you need encouragement or know someone who does, or you are just looking for a way to be consistent in Bible study, please check out my book Comfort Beside Still Waters.