Christ The King Is Coming Again
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ – Titus 2:13 (KJV)
Jesus will come again! We did not see Him the first time, but we will the next. When Jesus came to earth the first time, He came as a helpless infant. However, when we see Him coming back in the clouds, He will be the conquering King.
The Bible tells us that no one who has lived or will be living at that time will be able to do anything but kneel before Him as Sovereign Lord! (#handsraised!) -Philippians 2:10
We who belong to Him will be with Him for eternity. Unfortunately, those who refuse to acknowledge Him as King will still bow, they will still utter words of His holiness and His lordship, but they will not be redeemed back to the Father.
Once a person’s life ends on earth, or when Jesus returns, whichever comes first-it will be too late to call out to Him as Master and Savior at that time. The day of salvation is now, my friend.
If you don’t know Him, I urge you to stop right now and meditate on this thought–no one can call God Father unless he first calls Christ Lord.
His return is going to be glorious! Hope to see you there!