Discovering the Promise of Christmas: The Faithful are Called to Serve
Eve looked up at the tree, enticed by the low hanging fruit just inches away from her reach. Adam, standing nearby, remained silent as she plucked the ripe fruit from its branch.
As she sank her teeth into the sweet flesh of the forbidden fruit, the bitter juices of rebellion tantalized her tongue. And then Adam reached out to take his part in the lustful act of disobedience.
Satan’s trap had sprung. The fruit that had moments earlier been so desirable and appealing began to turn in the stomachs of Adam and Eve.
The pleasurable feeling they had first experienced was replaced by guilt and shame. Man had died, spiritually separated from a holy God who could not stay in the presence of sin.
There were consequences to their disobedience; Adam and Eve were banned from the Garden of Eden. In work, Adam would labor, and in childbearing, Eve would labor. But as God spoke to the serpent, He foretold of the coming Redeemer that would one day crush the head of Satan.
“Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field…I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” -Genesis 3:15
God did not leave them naked and abandoned. With the skin of a lamb, He provided them with clothing. And with the promise of a Savior, He provided them with redemption.
Genesis 3:15 is the first place in the Bible where we see the Promise of Christmas.
The Faithful
The couple entered the crowded little town looking for shelter. It had taken them several days to track the long and treacherous journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, and now they needed a place to stay. Mary was about to give birth, and the only shelter offered was the stable behind the inn.
Joseph knocked on every door he thought would be available, talked to numerous people on the streets to find an appropriate place for Mary to be cared for, but he had failed. With great despair, he approached his wife to tell her the bad news.
She was so young, so beautiful, but the trip had worn her down. Now looking at her, thoughts of their engagement came to mind. Many women had been available to Joseph, but he knew when he first met Mary that she would be the one he chose. Besides her obvious beauty, Mary had charm.
She was known for her honesty, her loyalty, and her kindness. So when Joseph had found out that Mary would have a baby that didn’t belong to him, he was devastated. Aww! But the miraculous happened!
An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because what is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you will name Him Jesus.”
Joseph immediately obeyed God and took Mary as his wife. He didn’t understand God’s plan, but he was going to be faithful to Him no matter what the cost. (Matthew 2:18-25)
Mary was feeling so tired. The pains of childbirth had been coming steadily ever since they entered Bethlehem. And now she was headed to a cave just outside the city limits.
The innkeeper was kind enough to offer what little he had, and Mary was grateful for anything at this point. She watched Joseph as he hurriedly prepared the stable for her to rest. As the pain of childbirth once again stabbed at her abdomen, she thought back to that special day when the angel appeared to her.
She was filled with fright when the angel greeted her. The sound of his voice boomed in her ears. The size of his stature overwhelmed her senses. She felt like she had entered another dimension as the fear stunned her into silence.
But then peace began to flow through her very being as the angel said, “The Lord is with you, Mary. You have found favor with God. You will conceive and bear a son and call His name Jesus.”
Mary questioned the possibility of this because she knew she had never been with a man. But the angel continued, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you. The child that you carry will be the Son of God.”

How would this be possible? Why was she the chosen one? How would Joseph react? She didn’t understand God’s plan, but she was going to be faithful to Him no matter what the cost. (Luke 1:26-38)
Mary was feeling so tired. The pains of childbirth had been coming steadily ever since they entered Bethlehem. And now she was headed to a cave just outside the city limits.
The innkeeper was kind enough to offer what little he had, and Mary was grateful for anything at this point. She watched Joseph as he hurriedly prepared the stable for her to rest. As the pain of childbirth once again stabbed at her abdomen, she thought back to that special day when the angel appeared to her.
She was filled with fright when the angel greeted her. The sound of his voice boomed in her ears. The size of his stature overwhelmed her senses. She felt like she had entered another dimension as the fear stunned her into silence.
But then peace began to flow through her very being as the angel said, “The Lord is with you, Mary. You have found favor with God. You will conceive and bear a son and call His name Jesus.”
Mary questioned the possibility of this because she knew she had never been with a man. But the angel continued, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you. The child that you carry will be the Son of God.”
How would this be possible? Why was she the chosen one? How would Joseph react? She didn’t understand God’s plan, but she was going to be faithful to Him no matter what the cost. (Luke 1:26-38)
Are You One of the Faithful?
In it’s simplest form, being faithful is being full of faith. Believing that what God says is true and what He calls us to do will work out. He never promises that what He calls us to do is easy, so we can’t mistake a hard task for one we shouldn’t be doing.
Joseph and Mary were faithful to God when He called them to their assignment. But let’s not make the mistake of thinking that it was easy for them. It was not. You can imagine the humiliation Mary must have felt when others found out that she was pregnant before she and Joseph had been together. And the dishonor Joseph may have received from those same friends and family members.
Being faithful can never be taken lightly. It is a commitment to do right no matter the circumstances or personal cost.
The Faithful Are Called to Serve
The Holy Spirit is continuously leading us to be more like Christ. He guides us to walk on paths that will mold us into the image of our dear Savior. He walks with us through the fires of an unseen furnace to melt away the blackness of our coal-laden hearts and make them into pure gold. He carries us through the valleys of hardships as we daily progress closer to the Kingdom of our Lord.
Aww! That sounds so intense, so uncomfortable, and maybe a bit intimidating. However, if the Creator of the Universe has called you into a relationship with Him, then you can trust that He is faithful to bring you through every assignment He calls you to do. Just like Joseph and Mary.
So, do you know what your assignment is? Let me encourage you to be faithful in prayer, in reading the Word, and to be faithful to stand where God has called you, no matter what the cost.
He Who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it. -1 Thessalonians 5:24