God Loves Unconditionally, No Matter Who We Are
He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. Isaiah 40:22 (NIV)
Isaiah 40 is possibly one of my favorite chapters of the Bible!
The Lord begins with such sweet and encouraging words for the prophet to tell His people. “Comfort, comfort My people,” says your God. “Speak tenderly to Jerusalem…”
God Is Love
Jesus came to purchase our redemption. However, this wasn’t just a buy-back program. His death on the cross wasn’t to be used for “fire” insurance. God loves us. He loved us before we knew Him, He loves us when we mess up, and He loves us when we don’t love Him. His love is unconditional. That means there’s nothing that can happen or that you can do to make God not love because God’s love is His choice, and He chooses to love.
God Is Incomparable
One thing I love about this chapter is Isaiah’s rhetorical questions in verses 12-14:
- Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand or marked off the heavens?
- Who has held the earth’s dust in a basket or weighed the mountains or the hills?
- Who can fathom the Spirit of the Lord or instruct the Lord as His counselor?
- Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten Him; who taught Him the right way (my favorite)
- Who taught Him knowledge or showed Him the path of understanding?
Answer: No one!
God Is
God is. Complete sentence. He is Who He is. He’s not like a god that man created; He is the Creator of man.
What a mighty God we serve!
Mind if I use your image of the earth and Bible reference for my sermon? I appreciate your drawing attention to the awe of God’s power, as a good, not something to fear or begrudge.
Thanks for the inspiration!
I use stock photos. So that is probably from Canva. If you have a paid account with them, it’s free for you to use. Thanks for your comment!