Laughter Is The Best Medicine, According To Science And The Bible
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. -Proverbs 17:22
Are you feeling stressed? According to the Bible (and science), laughter is the best medicine.
An article written on the Forbes website gives six scientific reasons why laughter is the best medicine.
1. Laughter is a potent endorphin releaser.
2. Laughter contagiously forms social bonds.
3. Laughter fosters brain connectivity.
4. Laughter is central to relationships.
5. Laughter has an effect similar to antidepressants.
6. Laughter protects your heart.
So, for laughs, I thought I would make up some headlines from some fairly popular stories found in the Bible. I’m sure you will guess what they are. If not, I’ve listed the verses, too.
Thundering Succotash! Jerico’s Walls Crumble After An Outstanding Parade Held By the Israelites. It Was a Blast! -Joshua 6:1-20
Queen Saves The Nation With Her New Diet Plan. WARNING: Side Effects May Cause Death. -Esther 4:1-17; Esther 7:1-9)
Young Man Caught Throwing Stones At His Enemies. Heads Will Surely Roll! -1 Samuel 17:12-51
3 Rebellious Boys Refuse To Accept Their Punishment After Civil Disobedience. Things Heated Up After That! -Daniel 3:16-27
Jacob Wrestled With God All Night. When Questioned On His Loss, At Best His Excuses Were Lame. -Genesis 32:22-32
“My Cup Runneth Over!” Proclaimed Architect of The Newly Constructed Wall of Jerusalem. -Nehemiah 1:1-11; Nehemiah 2:1-5
Man Refuses To Share His Man Cave With Anyone. And We’re Not Lion! -Daniel 6:1-23
Announcement: Family Reunion At Pharaoh’s House. No Dessert Provided-The Baker Lost His Head. -Genesis 45:1-28
Survivors Found On The Ark. Witnesses Say The Captain Of The Vessel Seemed to be Fascinated With Multiplying by 2. -Genesis 6:1-20; Genesis 8:15-17
Man Found Weeping Under A Gourd. He Had a Whale of A Story! -Jonah 1:12-2:10; Jonah 4:5-10