Overcoming Overwhelm During A Spiritual Burnout
Jesus said, “Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
-Mark 6:31 (NIV)
You may be familiar with the story of Elijah and the false prophets of Baal. They held a contest to determine which god was the true God for the people of Israel to serve. A large congregation gathered to watch the showdown between Elijah and the 450 false prophets. The contest was actually between God and the false god, Baal. Of course, God is the only true God, and He won the competition by consuming a water-drenched altar with fire from heaven. You can read the complete account in 1 Kings 18:1-40. Please take the time to read this. It’s a fantastic story!
After this miraculous performance and the end of a three-year drought brought about by Elijah’s prayers, we find Elijah sitting under a juniper tree begging to die. So what happened?
Consequences of Spiritual Burnout
Elijah was experiencing emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion brought on by his prolonged stress of the past three years and his performance on Mount Carmel. Spiritual burnout occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and weighed down by the constant demand of your time.
- He lost his purpose for life.
- His self-image was destroyed.
- He was feeling all alone in the world.
- He was bitter, resentful, and full of self-pity
- He felt hopeless
We’ve all been there. Suddenly everything feels like too much, and the exhaustion is overwhelming. Life starts to feel like things are more than you can handle, or you feel like you’ve lost control. Unfortunately, it’s also hard to think clearly during this time. But if we could, we would know it’s time for a change.
Overcoming Overwhelm By Taking Care Of Yourself
When Elijah was sitting under the juniper tree during his period of exhaustion, God took care of him. He fed him, watered him, gave him a purpose for living and companionship.
For you to overcome overwhelm, you have to take care of yourself. You are the only one who can do this.
4 Care Tactics For Self-Care
- Redeem your time
Elijah was sent out on a day’s journey into the desert to find the time he needed. To redeem your time, if you can’t go out into a desert, the first thing you have to do is stop. Stop saying yes to things and stop allowing others to decide for you. Is your job demanding? Too many activities outside the home? Too many responsibilities inside the home? Take a look at your priorities and cut something out. Like a budget (except it’s time instead of money), you have to cut something out.
2. Allow Your Body To Heal
God began the healing process of Elijah’s body with sleep, food, and water. One of the reasons overwhelm happens is because our bodies are depleted. Go to bed earlier than you are used to. If you have a family, send everyone to bed earlier than usual. Tell them it’s Daylight Savings Time (the good time when you gain an hour). Take a nap. Drink more water. One of the tricks of drinking more water is to make that your only drink for the day. And then eat vitamin-rich foods–salads, vegetables, and proteins.
3. Schedule A Play Date
After refueling, God sent Elijah on a long trip. Not sure it was a vacation, but he got away nonetheless. You’ve heard the old adage all work, and no play makes Sally a dull girl. Well, maybe slightly different, but still, you cannot live, eat, and sleep your job. Schedule a fun activity. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive. Do something like take a walk in the park, sit outside under the moonlight, go out for ice cream, or take a week off and go to Mauii! It doesn’t have to be big, but it can. However, a play day regularly scheduled may be more beneficial than a week away.
4. Seek Out Emotional Support
The last thing Elijah did was to find a confidant. Someone who would understand the strains of his job, or at least could be a sounding board. God directed him to Elisha. It would help if you had companionship, also. That may be your spouse, a friend, family members, a mentor, or a counselor. Find someone willing to listen. Sometimes we just need to vent. And don’t forget that you always have God’s ear. Talk to Him like you would your closest friend. He will not be shocked at anything you divulge, and then ask Him to allow His peace to renew your spirit.
Other Stress Releasers
- exercise routine (30 min/day) to burn up some of that burnout
- favorite TV show to zone out
- read a book to “get away.”
- deep breathing exercises help relieve stress and anxiety
- listen to music
- play an instrument
- take up a hobby or resurrect an old one
- go shopping or antiquing
Consider some of these tips and see if it helps renew your spirit. It may seem impossible to fit these things into your busy schedule, but if you are experiencing fatigue and burnout due to a lot of responsibility, take these measures as emergency measures. If you are experiencing burnout, it’s because your body is on fire!
I hope you find this helpful! If so, please share with friends who could benefit from more information on how they can take care of themselves better.
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