Trusting God In Tough Times
Salvation belongs to the Lord; Your blessing be on Your people! -Psalm 3:8
Psalm 3 was written when King David’s son, Absalom, was trying to dethrone him. You can hear the heartbreak in his words in the first part of the chapter:
“Oh, Lord! How many are my foes! Many are rising against me; many are saying of my soul ‘There’s no salvation for him in God.'”
But his tone quickly turns to worship as King David begins to recite the greatness of God. He remembers that God is his protector and is confident that God will save him out of all his trouble.
When Life Gets Tough
Do you feel like people are coming against you? Maybe your attackers are family members like King David’s experience. Or your friends may have de-friended you like Job’s situation. Or, like Mordecai, do you have peers who continuously try to find fault in you so they look better in front of the boss?
Life is tough sometimes, and if you are struggling with one of these unkind relationships, take a minute with me and look at how David’s confidence in God directed the way he reacted to his situation.
Confident In God’s Power
David didn’t beat around the bush. After stating the problem, he immediately acknowledged that God would shield him and protect him. He was so confident in God’s protection that he was able to rest even as his enemies swarmed around him. (Psalm 3:3-6)
Confidence is a strong belief and trust in someone or something. Most of us are confident that we can drive a car without swerving into oncoming traffic or ending up in the ditch. We take a chance every time we get behind the wheel, but our confidence in our rate of success outweighs our fear that this time we will mess up. That confidence comes with the act of doing it again and again and again. Think about it; remember back to the very first time you got behind the steering wheel. Were you confident that you would not end up in the ditch? No, it came with time and evidence. Each time you drove, you gained confidence.
Our walk with God is similar. At first, we don’t know about unconditional love, unlimited forgiveness, and unending sanctification. But as we read the stories in the Bible and see the evidence of God’s grace and mercy, we become more confident in the ways of Christiandom and begin practicing the teachings of Jesus as we sit in the heavenly places with Him. (Ephesians 2:6)
Our confidence becomes a byproduct of trusting God again and again and again.
Confident In Praising God
David called out to the Lord because he knew God was there. “Arise, O Lord! Save me, O my God!” (Psalm 3:7) He was confident in his praises to God because He had a personal relationship with Him.
The relationship was not a new one; it had been cultivated through the years. As a young shepherd boy, David protected his sheep from lions and bears with the help of the Lord. He killed Goliath when he put his trust in God. He ruled the country, judged the people, raised an army, and received the recognition of “being a man after God’s own heart.” (Acts 13:22)
David practiced and sang God’s praises in the field as a young man, in the palace as a young apprentice, and in the streets as a young ruler. He was very charismatic in his relationship with God.
Practicing Confidence In Praise
Is your confidence in the loving and gracious power of God like King David? If not, don’t you want it to be? If you do, then pray for it. Ask God to soften your heart so you can experience the joy He has waiting for you (Nehemiah 12:43). And then practice praising Him by reading His Word. Several praise verses are listed below (hover over or click the link).
- Psalm 150:6
- Psalm 103:1
- Psalm 28:7
- Psalm 9:1
- Psalm 42:11
- Psalm 63:3-4
- Psalm 145:3
- Psalm 71:8
- Psalm 34:1
- Psalm 105:1

When life gets tough, put your trust in God and depend on Him to give you the power to make it through. However, we don’t want to just make it through, but we want to shine in this dark world as we sing His praises in the tough times and allow God to be glorified.